the ponies

All members of our pony team were rescued by Millhouses Animal Sanctuary in Sheffield. They had varying starts in life, but since joining the Smile team, we’ve helped them and in return they help us help other people!

Leo the therapy pony


Arguably the star of the show, Leo has a unique way of connecting to humans. Much like having a sixth sense, it’s like he speaks our language. He’s one of the smallest of the team, but what he lacks in size, he makes up for in character… and huge amounts of hair!

Fun fact about Leo: he’s the leader of the herd

Favourite thing to do: be a unicorn!

Harry the Therapy Pony


Huggable Harry loves people, and alongside Leo, is one of our key team members for going out and about visiting care homes and hospitals. Although he’s quite small, he makes a big impact on the people he meets and is always up for an adventure!

Fun fact about Harry: despite being one of the newest team members, he’s one of the calmest

Favourite thing to do: enjoy hugs!

Larry the Therapy Pony


Lovable Larry is our smallest pony, and is quite timid. However, once you’re his friend, you’re his friend for life! He can also be quite a cheeky monkey, and has lots of character once you get to know him!

Fun fact about Larry: he has 2 different coloured eyes!

Favourite thing to do: fit into very small spaces and crawl under fences!

Toffee the Therapy Pony


Little Toffee is very shy and quite the little tinker with the other ponies! He doesn’t go out to care homes and hospitals yet because he’s still quite nervous. However, he is learning and is getting much more used to being around people.

Fun fact about Toffee: he has an underbite, which means his bottom teeth sit in front of his top teeth. Don’t worry though, he still manages to eat plenty!

Favourite thing to do: eat!

Ruddles the Therapy Pony


Quite a mischief maker, and a lover of adventures with Dan… which usually involve leaving the field they’re meant to be in. Ruddles is also our main driving pony - he loves being in the cart, and is a very sensible boy!

Fun fact about Ruddles: he’s the oldest of the team

Favourite thing to do: run round the field as fast as possible!

Dan the Therapy Pony


The tallest of the team and the king of mischief, Dan regularly breaks out of fields and takes the rest of the team on adventures! When he’s not doing that though, he’s being a good boy and teaching children to ride.

Fun fact about Dan: no matter how secure the fencing, he knows the way out!

Favourite thing to do: teaching children!